Jeremiah 4:4 NKJV
Circumcise yourselves to the Lord , And take away the foreskins of your hearts, You men of Judah and inhabitants of Jerusalem, Lest My fury come forth like fire, And burn so that no one can quench it, Because of the evil of your doings.”
Shalom! Day #199. Do you know that God requires the circumcise our foreskin of our hearts? Let's pray. Father, change our hearts and make it clean. Let our hearts be circumcised and be fully devoted to You alone. In Jesus name we ask and we pray, amen!
Circumcision is a Jewish custom. Every male is compulsory to circumcised. But today God is not talking about the circumcision of the males foreskin. He is asking each and every believers, be it male or female, to circumcised the foreskin of their hearts. The foreskin of sin. The circumcision of our sinful nature. Why there is a need to circumcised our foreskin of our heart? What does it means? In order to be aligned with God's will, first we must allow God to cut off the foreskin of our heart - all the sinful nature, the ties to the world, fleshly desires, disobedience, and every other things that hinders us from walking in alignment with His will. We may claim to say that I AM A CHRISTIAN but that doesn't makes you a Christian. A Christian by name and generation. I'm not saying that I am all knowing and all holy and all good. Trust me, I am the worst of the worst. There are certain things being a hindrance in my life between me and God. I acknowledged it and I allow God to do the circumcision process. God gave Abraham and his descendants the mark of circumcision as a physical reminder that they were cut out from the world, that is, to set apart to serve the one, true Lord. The act of circumcision in the Old Testament is actually an act of covenant between God and Abraham. A mark of being chosen and set apart. The circumcision of the foreskin of our hearts is the mark of being His child and doing His will.
Jeremiah was sent to preach to the covenant community of Israel and call the people to repent from their wicked ways. Circumcision of the physical foreskin alone does not give us the salvation that we need and trusting in the physical circumcision for spiritual and physical blessings will not guarantee anything. They have to experience the inner reality of a circumcised heart. The total 180 degrees turn and coming back to God. The Lord's covenant of salvation has always been a covenant of the heart. Are we willing to allow God to cut off the foreskin of our hearts today? Our heart is now being covered by the foreskin. And it is preventing the Truth of His word from penetrating deep into our hearts. Yes, His word I sharper than any two edged sword, but God does not force Himself into anyone's life. When the foreskin is being cut off then our heart is exposed fully to the truth of His word and salvation. Our eyes are opened to see His plans and His will for our life. Again, are we willing to allow God to cut off the foreskin of our hearts today?
Let this day be the day of the Lord!
*** if you have any prayer request or any comments, or in anyway that I can serve today, please do let me know, I am at the Lord's service.
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