Hosea 14:9 NKJV
Who is wise? Let him understand these things. Who is prudent? Let him know them. For the ways of the Lord are right; The righteous walk in them, But transgressors stumble in them.
Shalom! Day #248. Do you know that no transgressors are able to walk, stand or hold on to the ways of God unless and until he or she repents? Let's pray. Father, in our imperfections you made us perfect. In our unrighteousness, You made us righteous. So please help us to walk and not stumble in our transgressions. In Jesus name we ask and pray, amen!
Let Him understand and know these things. What things? The things of God. Let him understand the ways God works, understand His will, understand His laws and understand His truth. The ways of the Lord are always right. We must get into His ways and not binding Him into our ways. Foolishness is when we try to modify the ways of the Lord to suite our desires, our ways and our plans. People who say they are Christian yet not living according to His ways, will try to modify, bind His ways just to suite their mood and so on, yet , they stumble and fall because they ways of God are higher than our ways, thoughts, plans.
If we profess to know the Lord, therefore it must be followed with an action. An action that shows a righteous living as a believer. The righteous will walk in the understanding of the Lord. The righteous shall live in the ways of the Lord. The righteous shall prosper in the ways of the Lord. The righteous shall be victorious in the ways of the Lord. Let us therefore live in the righteousness of God and walk in them.
Let this day be the day of the Lord!
*** if you have any prayer request or any comments, or in anyway that I can serve today, please do let me know, I am at the Lord's service.
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