Proverbs 11:22, 28, 30 NKJV
As a ring of gold in a swine’s snout, So is a lovely woman who lacks discretion. He who trusts in his riches will fall, But the righteous will flourish like foliage. The fruit of the righteous is a tree of life, And he who wins souls is wise.
Shalom! Day #270. Do you know that you outward adornment and beauty is nothing compared to what's from within? Let's pray. Father, when You chose David as a king, You didn't see the outward appearance of him, but You saw his heart. Therefore Lord, let our hearts be right before You as we continue to serve You and walk with You. In Jesus name we ask and pray, amen!
For a woman, their beauty is not on the outside but from within. Many guys think that, "oh I must have a beautiful and good looking girlfriend" but they forget to see what's the condition of their heart. People say, "beauty is in the eye of the beholder" it's actually in the heart of the beholder. In our spiritual life, both men and women, we tend to look good outside when inside there's still some unsettled business with God.
A gold ring in the swine's snout, doesn't make it look beautiful, it is still the same swine, that lays at the muddy place. A man and a woman whose attitude stinks, no matter how you look good on the outside, it doesn't make a difference. God sees our heart, the motives of our heart as we follow Him and serve Him. God isn't excited by how we look on the outside, but instead from the inside. Those who trust on their riches, beauty, property will one day come tumbling down. There's no security in the worldly things. Outwardly you may think, I have money, I am handsome / beautiful, but little do you know, that one day all this things will just perish. If your inside, your heart is right before God then, outwardly you will live your life righteously, purposefully, wholly unto God. You inside projects who you are really on the outside.
Let this day be the day of the Lord!
*** if you have any prayer request or any comments, or in anyways that I can serve today, please do let me know, I am at the Lord's service.
Please leave a comment. It would be a blessing for me to hear from you.
In His Majestic service,
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