Luke 21:34-36 NKJV
“But take heed to yourselves, lest your hearts be weighed down with carousing, drunkenness, and cares of this life, and that Day come on you unexpectedly. For it will come as a snare on all those who dwell on the face of the whole earth. Watch therefore, and pray always that you may be counted worthy to escape all these things that will come to pass, and to stand before the Son of Man.”
† Shalom †......! Day #72. Do you know that the Day of the Lord will come unexpectedly when we least expecting it to come? Let us pray. Father, we pray that You would prepare us for Your second coming. Let us not be found unprepared. Holy Spirit we pray that You will continue to work in us and cleansing us from inside out. In Jesus name we ask and pray, amen!
Friends, greetings in the name Of our Lord and Savior, Lord Jesus Christ! Many end times messages, prophecies are circulating in Facebook, WhatsApp and I've been clearly listening to it one by one and you know what I found? Do you want to know? Haha 😂, well everything is pointing back to ONE main topic which is PRAYER. The Lord wants His church to be prepared, watchful and alert and PRAY ALWAYS. I believe this is the message now for us. The night before Jesus was betrayed and hand over, he was found praying and his disciples were not Praying. Jesus has to rebuke them get them to watch and pray with Him, yet they were "so tired." Same thing is happening now, we are in the last minutes of the return of God and God is warning His church to be found praying and be watchful in prayer.
At the same time, people who I knew, the Giants of faith, they begin to ridicule and look down to this kind of prophecies. I'm wondering whether are they slipping away from the truth because they have piled up with tons of PhD's in theology or what is happening.... People like this can make the church be in careless attitude. The similar meaning for prayerless life is a careless life. Jesus isn't coming back foe a prayerless and careless church, but He is coming back for the church that's ready and prepared to meet Him. Just like the 5 wise virgins, they were ready and prepared to meet their bride. Church ...Are we ready? Let us come back to the basics of our faith.. A PRAYERFUL LIFE.
Let this day be the day of the Lord!
*** if you have any prayer request or any comments, or in anyway that I can serve today, please do let me know, I am at the Lord's service.
Please leave a comment. It would be a blessing for me to hear from you.
In His Majestic service,
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