Thursday, June 11, 2015

They profess to know God...!

Titus 1:15-16 NKJV

To the pure all things are pure, but to those who are defiled and unbelieving nothing is pure; but even their mind and conscience are defiled. They profess to know God, but in works they deny Him, being abominable, disobedient, and disqualified for every good work.

† Shalom †......! Day #161. Do you know that many believers are Christians for namesake? Let us pray. Father, help us not to be idle and stagnant believers but in every ways of our life, living according to Your word so that we may be doers of Your word and just hearers. In Jesus name we ask and pray, amen!

Friends, to  the pure, all things are pure and to those who are defiled and unbelieving nothing is pure. What Apostle Paul is trying to say here? It means many unbelieving "believers" who claim to know God, to know the Bible from Genesis To Revelation, the literary squeezed and drank thw Bible, yet in all their ways they seems to not to acknowledge God and His sovereignty. Because their heart is disobedient to God. Because they are filled with sin. Their mind and conscience are polluted with the worldliness. Why? Even though they say they know God and bla bla bla, yet their faith, their actions doesn't show anything godly reactions. Although they read the Bible from A to Z, yet if there's nit faith, it is useless. 

They profess to know God, but in works they deny Him, being abominable, disobedient, and disqualified for every good work. We claim we know who God is, what is He capable of doing and so on, yet we deny His rulership over us,  we deny His sovereignty and so on. We so do not live as how a believer should and must live. We claim we know the Bible from A to Z, but in practicing what we preach and read, we fail! You can't expect a change from your congregation unless youvare willing to change. Even there are some who really denies the powerful work of the the Holy Spirit, visions and dreams, prophecy.  They are even more that willing to comment on all those things. If you deny God, He will also deny you before God the Father. It's never to late to repent and return to God wholeheartedly. Never live a double life. You are not the "Mr or Miss Two face." God bless you.

Let this day be the day of the Lord!

*** if you have any prayer request or any comments, or in anyway that I can serve today, please do let me know, I am at the Lord's service.

Please leave a comment. It would be a blessing for me to hear from you.

In His Majestic service,

TFGM's Daily Devotion

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