Hebrews 2:6 NKJV
But one testified in a certain place, saying: “What is man that You are mindful of him, Or the son of man that You take care of him?
Shalom! Day #18. Living a colorful life. God adds colors and flavors into our lives because He cares for each and everyone on us. Let's pray. Father, we pray that as we study Your word today, help us to see life in Your perspective and live it to the fullest so that our lives may be profitable for us and others. In Jesus name we ask and pray. Amen.
Do you know that God is thinking about you 24/7? Do you know that His mind is filled with everything about you? Neither your boyfriend nor girlfriend thinks about you 24/7, but God is thinking about you, even He Is thinking about you as you read this. He is constantly thinking of the best thing which He could offer you in this life. He is madly inlove with you. He is mindful of you. Are we mindful of the things concerning God? Are we madly inlove with Him? Or are we somehow trying to make the story of our lives without God in the picture? God writes our life's story, and people reads it. When God writes it, He knows what He is writing. He is the Author and the Perfecter of our lives. Sometimes we think this is good for me, that is the best for me, this girl or boy is the perfect match for me. Never ever make such mistakes. We think like that but God says, "child, your life is hidden in Me, seek me first and you will find life, seek My will first and you will live according to My plans, seek My kingdom first so that I will rule over your lives and give you the best that you want. Trust Me, I know what is this best for you."
Today, I believe with all my heart, if you allow God to take over your lives, I tell you, I assure you this that you will see the best coming out through your lives. He cares for you. You may say, "I need a companion", God is the best companion you can have. If you are quick to listen, you will listen His voice speaking to you. And through God, He gives you your life partner, the perfect made in heaven partner for you. You don't have to go around fishing at the pond, river, or sea in search for a life partner. God had already prepared the best. Most of the time we are impatient and we want to do things our way. Remember, He cares for you. What hinders us from having the best from God? It is ourselves. A stubborn heart is always a hindrance. Unless and until we subject ourselves to the Lordship of God, we will not experience the life which God has already prepared for us.
Let this day be the day of the Lord!
*** if you have any prayer request or any comments, or in anyway that I can serve today, please do let me know, I am at the Lord's service.
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