2 Timothy 3:12, 17 NKJV
Yes, and all who desire to live godly in Christ Jesus will suffer persecution. that the man of God may be complete, thoroughly equipped for every good work.
Shalom! Day #15. Still alive and rocking! Hahaha! Do you know that the word PERSECUTION is a bad and unpleasant word to some Christians? The definition of Christianity for them is "a bed of roses." Let's pray. Father, as we study the truth of Your word, Holy Spirit help us to accept the truth and live our lives accordingly. Help us to understand the meaning of living a godly life in You. In Jesus name we ask and pray. Amen.
It is easy quoting "Philippians 1:21 for me to live is Christ and to die is gain", yet living it out is the toughest thing. As I have mentioned just now, "Do you know that the word PERSECUTION is a bad and unpleasant word to some Christians? The definition of Christianity for them is "a bed or roses."" For some Christianity means prosperity. Blessings. Victorious life. People come to church just to hear good messages. If the message isn't good, the following week they won't come. No, I am not against all this. It is good to have and live in His promises, but it does not just happens like that. To see this things take place in our lives, we have to go through some events which will bring us to experience all the good things God has for us. Actually it's not fair, inorder for us to have eternal life, God sacrificed His one and only Son, Jesus Christ. But for some, they want everything easily. They do not want pain, but want gain! A great man of God, David Wilkerson once said "a hatred of correction and a hatred of reproof, nobody wants to hear it anymore. Whatever happens to anguish in the house of God? Whatever happens to anguish in the ministry? Anguish means extreme pain and distress. All true passion is born out of anguish." Are we willing to go through this persecutions as we walk with Jesus? Stephen filled with joy even to his last breath. Even at the point of death, he was willing to live his life totally for cost of following Jesus. He remained faithful till the last breath and he prayed for those who persecuted him. When persecution comes, don't run away, it's through it, God is shaping and preparing us for the next phase of our lives. Endure it joyfully and prayerfully. Living a godly live means living a righteous life. It means no room for sin. As a human, we struggle in this area. But we must persevere and endure it.
That the man of God may be complete, thoroughly equipped for every good work. How does a man or woman of God may be complete for every good works of god? It is through every events of our lives, God shapes us. I was reading this book " The Grand Weaver," quoting a verse from a passage, "His design for your life pulls together every thread of your existence into a magnificent work of art. Every thread matters and has a specific purpose." Abraham was a man of faith, but faith didn't come easily to him. At the same time that he faced the greatest fear of fulfilling the will of God, sacrificing Isaac. Yet He chooses to believe and to put all his trust in God. When God brings you into some situations that you are not able to comprehend, just trust God, because He is bringing you through it that you may be shaped according to the design which God has in mind concerning you. Remember, every threads of your life matters. Every thread has a purpose. I end by quoting this verse from the bible.
1 Corinthians 2:9 NKJV
But as it is written: “Eye has not seen, nor ear heard, Nor have entered into the heart of man The things which God has prepared for those who love Him.”
Let this day be the day of the Lord!
*** if you have any prayer request or any comments, or in anyway that I can serve today, please do let me know, I am at the Lord's service.
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