John 16:33 NKJV
These things I have spoken to you, that in Me you may have peace. In the world you will have tribulation; but be of good cheer, I have overcome the world.”
Shalom! Day #334. Do you know that people, especially the believers of Christ are living in uncertainty? Let's pray. Father, forgive us for the uncertainty in us when we know that You are all we need in order to live in this world. Forgive us for the doubt in us. Forgive us for not applying Your living word in our daily walk. Come and fill the emptiness of our hearts and life. In Jesus name we ask and pray, amen!
It's a scary scary world we live in. Allow me to tell you a fact as a believer and a servant of God. People especially the believers of Christ, Christians are living in uncertainty, fear, doubt, insecurity, living in emptiness of life, the feeling of that there is nothing more to life and many more. Are you in any of this category? Well that's the fact. Yet, in today's word, Jesus is reminding us about all this things which He has spoken to his disciples 2000 years ago. And again He is reminding us again today. If you still remember that I have shared regarding faith vs fear. In that simple sharing, we looked into the characters, attitudes and actions of Jesus in the midst of the storm. He slept soundly on the pillow because there was and is peace in Him. Again Jesus is reminding us again. Why are you living in uncertainty, insecurity, fear, doubt, living in the emptiness of life? You are constantly being worried of having nothing in your social life, because you gave your time in doing His works. Let me tell you something. If you enjoy doing the Lord's work, well you emptiness is filled with peace and joy, else if you are struggling and forcing yourself to serve and do His will, you will never ever find joy and true peace.
Ok, well let's get back to track. Jesus did not promised a bed of roses in our walk with Him, yet He promised one thing that He is with us till the end of age. In the world, you may have tribulations. I told you, no bed of roses! You may be tempted, you may lose your hope. You may feel empty. You may feel that you are such a loser. Oh yes, face it people that's the fact! Yet there is something in this verse that Jesus is trying to tell us.
1. Be of good cheer.
⊙ well, can you tell me how to be joyful in all the things we are going through in our lives? Well, Jesus has the answer!
=> in James 1:2-4 NKJV it's written that, "My brethren, count it all joy when you fall into various trials, knowing that the testing of your faith produces patience. But let patience have its perfect work, that you may be perfect and complete, lacking nothing." Yes! Count it all joy! Because, even if you feel that you fall into various trials and tribulations and tempted over and over again, remember that it's a test of your faith. Some can stand it and some failed it. Because though they may have faith, but their faith did not produce patience and that the patience is not able to have its perfect work in every situations. So for those who endure and persevere it, their faith is tested and it produces patience in them and their patience worked out a perfect work that they may be perfect, complete and lack nothing! Count it all joy! Never feel that you are alone, Jesus is your perfect strength that you need! The heavenly hosts are cheering for you to finish the race.
2. I have overcome the world!
⊙ yes, this is the next point! Jesus overcomed the world!
=> when I look back again into the temptations Jesus went through during His 40 days and nights of fasting and prayer, I can tell you that what I am going through now it's nothing compared to what He had gone through, not even close. Jesus set's a wonderful example for us to not to give up because He did not gave up in any of the temptations in any circumstances. All you need is Jesus in you. When we go through all the events of our lives, good times we remember that God is with us but at bad times we forget that God is with us also. In Romans 8, it's written that we are more than conquerors. It's because Jesus, our Victor, has conquered all the earth and everything. When you acknowledge the presence of God is with you whether in good or bad times, you will never ever feel depressed and being compressed by every events comes by you life.
Jesus overcame the world! What about you? You are more than conquerors!
Let this day be the day of the Lord!
*** if you have any prayer request or any comments, or in anyway that I can serve today, please do let me know, I am at the Lord's service.
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