Monday, November 25, 2013

Do you have the Truth...?

John 8:12, 31-32 NKJV

Then Jesus spoke to them again, saying, “I am the light of the world. He who follows Me shall not walk in darkness, but have the light of life.” Then Jesus said to those Jews who believed Him, “If you abide in My word, you are My disciples indeed.  And you shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.”

Shalom! Day #329. Do you know that the only truth that will set you free is when you have Jesus in you and not religion in you? Let's pray. Father, as we come to You today, we pray that You would reveal Your truth to us as we earnestly seek You. Let Your truth sets us free from every kind of bondage. Let Your truth to abide in us as we abide in You. In Jesus name we ask and pray, amen!

Jesus is the only way for our salvation. He is the Way, the Truth and the Life. Religion will never give you salvation. Even upholding Christianity as your religion will not give you salvation and will not free you from every kind of bondage. Only Jesus is able to save you! I have seen many car decals and it says "_____ is the way of life, ____ is way to the life," and so on. They upholding religion as their way of life, but sad to say that they are really missing out the real way of life, Jesus! Jesus is the light of the world. And those who follows Him, walk in light and not darkness.  If indeed you are following Him and still walking in darkness, well you aren't following Him wholeheartedly and have not known him,  if yes then there would never be a space for darkness in you. When you have the light of life, that light will shine into the lives of those who are living in the darkness through you. They will just get attracted to you to know the truth,  to experience the light,  to know Jesus!

⊙ I am the way.
>Jesus is the only way to Father, our Creator. There is no other way or by any religion, or by any name that one can be saved, except in the name of Jesus.

⊙ I am the truth.
> Jesus is the absolute truth every humankind needs. Not a religion, not some kind of spiritual enlightenment teaching, but the absolute Words of Jesus. The truth of His words give us freedom and sets us free from sins that entangles us and bondage. The truth of His words give us the liberty to come to Him as we are and worship Him and be known as sons and daughters of God. The truth of His words give us the power and authority over satan and his devious schemes.

⊙ I am the life.
> When you have known the way and walking in that way, you shall find the truth.  And when the Truth is established in your heart, then you shall receive the abundance of life in you. Jesus came to give life and life more abundantly. Those who abide in Jesus and He in them will experience the beauty of life in them, because Jesus is living in them. When you begin to confess the word of God in your life, it gives life to you!

And when you have known the truth, your freedom is just one step more to go. To confess our sins and allowing the Truth of His words to change us and transform us from inside out. Only the truth of Jesus's words will make you free. Not religion, not yoga, not spiritual enlightenment practices. ONLY JESUS...! Do you have Jesus? Will you believe me if I tell you something as a servant of God? "Many Christian doesn't have the Truth in them. They are just living by the banner called Christian and being fed into the religious and religion things,  yet Jesus is not found in them." It's scary right? You can be generational Christian,  but if you don't have a personal encounter with Jesus,  sad to say that you will just be a Christian for name sake, a religious Christian who fulfils all the religious acts just to say that I AM CHRISTIAN!!! So do you have Jesus or religion in you?

Let this day be the day of the Lord!

*** if you have any prayer request or any comments, or in anyway that I can serve today, please do let me know, I am at the Lord's service.

Please leave a comment. It would be a blessing for me to hear from you.

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