John 14:12-14 NKJV
“Most assuredly, I say to you, he who believes in Me, the works that I do he will do also; and greater works than these he will do, because I go to My Father. And whatever you ask in My name, that I will do, that the Father may be glorified in the Son. If you ask anything in My name, I will do it.
Shalom! Day #333. Do you know that you are capable of doing extraordinary works? Let's pray. Father, as we come to You today, empower us with the power of Your Holy Spirit to enable us to do great and mighty works in Your name. We need the power of the Holy Spirit to open heavens door and to flood our generation with Your unlimited, unstoppable Spirit and glory. In Jesus name we ask and pray, amen!
We are created for one main purpose to impact this generation with the love of God. Jesus said that he who believes is Him, the works He did they will do also and greater works than these they will do. In the book of Daniel it is written that, those who know their God shall do greater exploits. So this is not something new, because it has been prophesied in the old testament. And Jesus is reminding us again of our capability. Let me tell you something as a servant of God. You aren't aware of what you are capable of doing. You simply don't know what you are capable of doing. Whatever you are doing now, it's all the basic things only. You may think that you have done something great, but's just the beginning for the greater things ahead of you.
In this verse we read today, we are about to discover a few secrets which would enable you to do great and mighty things for God.
1. He who believes in Me.
⊙ This is the first and foremost requirement a believer needs.
> if today you are willing to crucify your doubts and make a stand to believe in Jesus wholeheartedly, and stand for this generation to impact and impart, then this is the 1st key for you to be a history maker. When you believe in Him, you shall do great and mighty works, greater than what Jesus has done when He was on earth. Jesus said, if only that you would believe in Me, then you would see the glory of God! If you believe then you shall see His glory working through your life.
2. Daniel 11:32 NKJV... but the people who know their God shall be strong, and carry out great exploits.
⊙ how well do you know your God? The second requirement you need.
> your intimacy with God determines how far you are willing to trust in God for greater things. For example, Daniel, although he was captured and brought to Babylon, but he did not in anyway deny his God. The intimacy he had with God, created in him a firm and unshakeable faith in where he come to a point to trust God not just with all is heart, but as well as with all his life. When he was in the lions den, he knows that God is able to help him. When he was put In the fire, he did not even curse God or deny God but he stood firm and trusted God. Why? It's simply because he knowns what his God is capable of doing. And God used Daniel as an instrument to do the greater works. Do you know your God?
3. If you ask anything in my name, I will do.
⊙ those who know their God, is bold enough to bring their request to God.
> Now, if you believe and you know what your God is capable of, then come boldly before God and bring your request in the name of Jesus and He will do it for you. What do you want to see happen in this generation? What do you want to see happen in your life and through your life? Bring that before God and ask it in the name of Jesus. And God will literally take your life, mould your life and make you to be according to His masterpiece and set you to be the history maker for this generation! Are you bold enough to do so?
This may be a few of the other points you could get. But this is what I received as I read and meditate on this word. The Lord's desire is to see you become a history maker. A person that would not just flow with the crowds, but the one who would stand up and stand out boldly for the cause of impacting this generation and transforming this generation with the love of God. So are you ready to be the history maker, to take the world at any cost for Christ?
Let this day be the day of the Lord!
*** if you have any prayer request or any comments, or in anyway that I can serve today, please do let me know, I am at the Lord's service.
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