Friday, May 9, 2014

Get rid of the accursed things...!

Joshua 7:6, 10, 13 NKJV

Then Joshua tore his clothes, and fell to the earth on his face before the ark of the Lord until evening, he and the elders of Israel; and they put dust on their heads. So the Lord said to Joshua: “Get up! Why do you lie thus on your face? Get up, sanctify the people, and say, ‘Sanctify yourselves for tomorrow, because thus says the Lord God of Israel: “ There  is an accursed thing in your midst, O Israel; you cannot stand before your enemies until you take away the accursed thing from among you.”

Shalom! Day #129. Do you know that when there's sin in the camp, you won't be able to fight against the enemy? Let's pray. Father, help us identify our sins and trespasses before we fight our enemy, the devil. Lest the devil use our sins against us till we are not able to stand before the enemies. Come and clean us Lord. In Jesus name we ask and pray, amen!

Are you facing a situation where you feel hopeless, disappointed, frustrated, you feel like things are not getting better,  things aren't moving forward, things aren't going anywhere? Well, then there's a serious matter that we need to look into. In a battle,  a war, the enemy or the attacking force will always find the enemies weakest point so that they can attack there and defeat the enemy. In this case today, if we are trying to wage war or even in a warfare and you are being attacked from every corner, instead of you attack the enemy, the enemy is whacking you, well then there's something you need to look into. When you are in or even before you engaged into spiritual warfare, check your hearts first. Come to God in total repentance and allow God to bring healing and restoration in our lives then, be build up strongly on the foundation of His word and grow.

When Joshua was defeated,  Joshua tore his clothes, and fell to the earth on his face before the ark of the Lord until evening, he and the elders of Israel; and they put dust on their heads. He was wondering what went wrong. He was like questioning God for what has happened. God yes, He Is a merciful and filled with grace, but then when there Is sin in us and we didn't do anything about it and going to warfare with the devil, you will be easily defeated because the devil knows your weaknesses and he will attack you from there. In Joshua's case, it wasn't Joshua who sinned, but Achan because he took an accursed thing into their camp and because of this the Lord said, "There  is an accursed thing in your midst, O Israel; you cannot stand before your enemies until you take away the accursed thing from among you." You cannot stand before the devil and fight him if there's issues in your life that hasn't been dealt with. Get right with God then you shall see victory!

Let this day be the day of the Lord!

*** if you have any prayer request or any comments, or in anyway that I can serve today, please do let me know, I am at the Lord's service.

Please leave a comment. It would be a blessing for me to hear from you.
Let this day be the day of the Lord!

In His Majestic service,


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