Deuteronomy 31:3, 6-8, 23 NKJV
The Lord your God Himself crosses over before you; He will destroy these nations from before you, and you shall dispossess them. Joshua himself crosses over before you, just as the Lord has said. Be strong and of good courage, do not fear nor be afraid of them; for the Lord your God, He is the One who goes with you. He will not leave you nor forsake you.” Then Moses called Joshua and said to him in the sight of all Israel, “Be strong and of good courage, for you must go with this people to the land which the Lord has sworn to their fathers to give them, and you shall cause them to inherit it. And the Lord , He is the One who goes before you. He will be with you, He will not leave you nor forsake you; do not fear nor be dismayed.” Then He inaugurated Joshua the son of Nun, and said, “Be strong and of good courage; for you shall bring the children of Israel into the land of which I swore to them, and I will be with you.”
Shalom! Day #125. Do you know that it is important that we hold on to the promises and the prophesies of God? Let's pray. Father, as we continue to hold on to Your promises and Your prophecies, let us not forget the purpose of Your calling in our lives. Let the promises and prophecies come to past in our lives as we continue to serve You. In Jesus name we ask and pray, amen!
The moment you are called to serve, do you still remember the promises of God upon your lives and the word of prophecy concerning you on the day one of your calling? It is important that we do not forget it. Why? Because it is the catalyst that moves us to attain our calling without looking at the hindrances we have to go through, without looking at how big the walls are that we need to breakthrough. We must recall back the first time the Lord spoke to us His promises and prophecies so that we may not falter and pursuing our calling. As for me, every time I face challenges, obstacles, I recall back the prophecies and the promises of God concerning my life and calling and as I recall back, i regain new strength, new vision, new passion, new mission to pursue on the call of God without looking at all the the things that's happening, but continue to focus on God and to run the race.
In today's verse, this is the promise God promised Joshua personally. "Be strong and of good courage, do not fear nor be afraid of them; for the Lord your God, He is the One who goes with you. He will not leave you nor forsake you.” The Lord affirms His promises to Joshua by repeating it again and again. In days to come we will be reading more about Joshua and how God was with him in every situation and condition of his life as he led the Israelites into the promised land. This is the promises God released upon Joshua as Moses anointed him to be the next leader of Israel, leading them into the promised land. Do you still remember your calling, the Lord's prophecies and His promises? Are you tired of facing obstacle after obstacles? Are you tired of facing the goliath's of your life as you continue to serve the Lord? Now is the time for you to recall back the Promises and the Prophecies of God! Remember it, for it will cause you to move forward no matter what happens, no matter how hard it can be, no matter how big the walls can be, IT WILL CAUSE YOU TO PENETRATE AND BREAKTHROUGH!
Let this day be the day of the Lord!
*** if you have any prayer request or any comments, or in anyway that I can serve today, please do let me know, I am at the Lord's service.
Please leave a comment. It would be a blessing for me to hear from you.
Let this day be the day of the Lord!
In His Majestic service,
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