Wednesday, January 16, 2013

The Lord stood for you.

2 Timothy 4:17-18 NKJV

But the Lord stood with me and strengthened me,.... And the Lord will deliver me from every evil work and preserve  me  for His heavenly kingdom. To Him  be  glory forever and ever. Amen!

Shalom! Day #16. Kinda not feeling well. Every other things looks perfect.  We are in the 16th day of 2013. We can't go through this year without the involvement of God. When God is involved in the things you are called to do, you will see it prosper. Let's pray. Father bless this Fay. Thank You for this day. Let Your presence to saturate us and be with us, stand with us, strengthened us and deliver us. In Jesus name we ask and pray. Amen.

The Lord stood with me and strengthened me. This is His promises for us. No matter how and what situation hits you today, remember the Lord is with you, He stands for you and battle for you. Today, my tyre punctured and almost lost control. I thank God, He was with, me. There is only one reason why God is with us. He is keeping us safe and secured so that we will finish the race and win the prize. He enables us to reach the fullness of our potential. As the Lord stood for Israel in battle, He is also standing for you and with you. He will never abandons those who trust and hope in Him. If He is bringing you through a situation, well He is there with you and strengthening you. The reason we struggle and suffer in the situation, because we don't realize His presence there and we tend to go through it ourselves. Remember this: He stands for you, He strengthenes you.

The Lord delivers you and preserves you. This is His 2nd promises for you today. He does not just stand and strengthenes you, but He delivers and preserves you as well. He stands in the battlefield for you and with you. He constantly strengthenes you, enables you to go through it. And He delivers you from every attacks of the enemy and the preserves your life for a greater purpose. 1st, He puts you in a battlefield. Then He stands with you, battle for you and even He strengthens you. You see, you don't have to struggle your way out. Leave it to God and trust in Him. Then, He delivers you, He releases you, He shields you from every attacks of the evil one and finally He preserves you for His purpose. Do you know, if you can just imagine this situation which I mentioned here, you will see the picture of how God battled for you and me and gave salvation to mankind. God has His own way of doing the things He has in His mind concerning you and me. So get to know His ways and do it God's style!

Let this day be the day of the Lord!

*** if you have any prayer request or any comments, or in anyway that I can serve today, please do let me know, I am at the Lord's service.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...! GOD BLESS