Sunday, October 14, 2012

God of the living.

Luke 20:38 NKJV

For He is not the God of the dead but of the living, for  all live to Him.”

Hallelujah! Praise the Lord! Dear friends, we have reason to celebrate the Lord. Lets come into His house with thanksgiving in our hearts.  This is what i understood from the Holy Spirit!

As i mentioned just now, we have a reason to rejoice and celebrate the Lord! For He is alive and He lives forever more! Dia adalah Tuhan yang hidup! Bukan Tuhan kepada yg mati, tetapi Tuhan kepada yg hidup. Kenapa yg mati tidak mengenal dan mengaku bahawa Dialah Tuhan dan Juruselamat? Kerana mereka sdh mati secara rohani dan tidak dpt mengenal yg mana satu kebenaran dan tipu muslihat iblis.

Tuhan adalah Tuhan kepada yg hidup kerana roh yg hidup mengenal siapa itu Tuhan dan mengaku bahawa He is God and Savior! Ia bukan Allah orang mati, melainkan Allah orang hidup, sebab di hadapan Dia semua orang hidup."

And that's why we have a reason to believe, to put all our trust, to put our hope and also to celebrate our God and Savior because He lives and we can face tomorrow, there is a hope for living just because He lives!

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