Wednesday, January 12, 2011


Word of the day is "WAIT"

Isaiah 40:31 But those who wait on the Lord Shall renew their strength; They shall mount up with wings like eagles, They shall run and not be weary, They shall walk and not faint.

The above Word clearly says that those who wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength. Not that only, but our hopes, our vision, our passion, our mission, our spirit, our mind, our heart being renewed. This is a daily process of renewing. As we take time to wait upon the Lord in prayer, He will refresh and renew us in His presence.

Someone once said “waiting time is not a wasted time". The time we take in waiting upon the Lord is not a wasted time, because He preparing us for the greater heights in our lives, and our ministry.

Waiting upon the Lord does not mean that we are just sitting and waiting upon Him. It means as we move in faith, we wait upon the Lord for the next step to be taken. As we wait upon the Lord it means we are putting our total trust upon His word and His promises. Psalms 130:5 says, I wait for the Lord, my soul waits, And in His word I do hope. Without a direction from His word, we are not going to go anywhere far.

Our heart attitude is important because it will determine our altitude in everything that God has called us to do. If we do not have the heart to wait upon the Lord, well do not expect everything we do will be a great success.

We must take time to seek the Lord for everything that He has prepared for us this year. We got to be steadfast in His word, as we take time to seek and wait upon the Lord, let His word dwell richly in us so that we can run the race with a clear vision by holding on to His promises.

May be you are going thru some hard times in your life now. You need to make some hard decision in regard to your life, your working environment, the ministry that God has given to you and in every other aspect. What are you going to do about it? Are just going to let it go or are you going to take that matter into prayer and seriously seek the will of God? Waiting time is not a wasted time. As we take time to wait upon the Lord, as it is written in Ecclesiastes 3:11 He has made everything beautiful in its time. Amen. He will indeed make things beautiful as we take time to wait and seek Him.

Let us take some time to seek Him and wait upon Him for the things that He has prepared for us this year. Let us not go through this year like how we did last year, But let us allow God to direct our each step as we take time to seek Him and wait upon Him and let God give us a new revelation and vision for our life, for the ministries that we are involved in and for every other aspects of our lives.

I choose to wait upon the Lord. What about you?

God Bless You!

In Christ,

+_-= ShErKaRL KuGaN =-_+

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