Monday, June 9, 2014

The presence of God in you...!

I Kings 6:12-13 NKJV

“ Concerning this temple which you are building, if you walk in My statutes, execute My judgments, keep all My commandments, and walk in them, then I will perform My word with you, which I spoke to your father David. And I will dwell among the children of Israel, and will not forsake My people Israel.”

Shalom! Day #160. Do you know that the Lord dwells amongst His people when they walk in His statutes and obey Him? Let's pray. Father,  let Your presence to dwell in Your temple and never depart.  Take not Your Holy Spirit from us. As we continue to walk in Your ways and obey Your commandments, let us continuously to experience Your presence in our life daily. In Jesus name we ask and pray, Amen!

The bible says that we are the temple of God. A temple where a sacrifice is daily lifted up to the Lord, we as the living sacrifice for God. As we continue to allow the Lord to work in us, we would experience Him more and more. What kind of aroma are we to God? Without the presence of God in our lives, we are just like zombies,  dead body walking. The Lord dwells in His temple. To experience the presence of God, one needs to sanctify the temple of God first. King Hezekiah, in first year of his reign, he began to open the temple of God and begin the cleansing and sanctification works. You can read this in 2 chronicles 29. When a person repented from every of his wicked ways and turn back to God,  the first thing he or she must do is to sanctify the temple of God, which is their body, the living temple of God. Meaning to say that they must allow the Holy Spirit of God to sanctify them thoroughly and clean them up so that the presence of God will dwell in them.

In today's verse, we can see that there's a promise God made to Solomon.  And the Lord says, “ Concerning this temple which you are building, if you walk in My statutes, execute My judgments, keep all My commandments, and walk in them, then I will perform My word with you, which I spoke to your father David. And I will dwell among the children of Israel, and will not forsake My people Israel.” If a repented person, turns back from their wicked ways and begin to seek God with all their heart, spirit, body and soul, then God will come and make home with them. A person who turns back from his wicked ways and coming to God in total surrender is like a person who is building the temple of God. Building the temple is one thing and the presence of God in that temple is another things. Anybody anyone can build a temple, but is God there? I'm speaking about the spiritual temple of God. For the presence of God to abide in the temple, the temple must abide in God first. Jesus said, "abide in Me, and I in you." When the church of God begin to walk in all the ways of God, obeying His commandments, therefore the presence of God will dwell in them and among them.

Let this day be the day of the Lord!

*** if you have any prayer request or any comments, or in anyway that I can serve today, please do let me know, I am at the Lord's service.

Please leave a comment. It would be a blessing for me to hear from you.

In His Majestic service,


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