Sunday, August 18, 2013

IM4U says the Lord...!

Ezekiel 36:9, 25-27 NKJV

For indeed I am for you, and I will turn to you, and you shall be tilled and sown. Then I will sprinkle clean water on you, and you shall be clean; I will cleanse you from all your filthiness and from all your idols. I will give you a new heart and put a new spirit within you; I will take the heart of stone out of your flesh and give you a heart of flesh. I will put My Spirit within you and cause you to walk in My statutes, and you will keep My judgments and do them.

Shalom! Day #230.  Do you know that God is for you and He turns to you when you call upon Him? Let's pray. Father,  help us to see the reality of Your word in our life today. Help us to hold on and totally to put all of our trust in Your word, that we may not turn to other, but to You alone. In Jesus name we ask and pray,  amen!

I am for you! When God says that He is for us, which means He gives Himself totally for us. Are we totally given to Him? Well folks, what happens when you give yourselves totally to Him? He will sprinkle clean water on you and He cleanses you thoroughly from even dirt, dust, mud. Then He cleanses us from every filthy idols that's in our lives. What's your idol? Then He goes on saying that He will give a new heart and put a new spirit within us. Then He will take our the stony heart and gives a heart of flesh.  Wow! Not only that, He says that a new spirit will be pour into you! Oh hallelujah! 

The new heart and new spirit is given and pour into every believers unstoppable and unlimited. His word says, that the outpouring of the latter glory shall be an extraordinary splendor! Unstoppable and unlimited spirit, glory, power, healing, revival,  blessings! Now is the time for us to experience this latter glory of God! Now is the time for your oil to be filled once again! He shall cause then heavens gate to flood on you blessings, glory, healing, extraordinary power and spirit! What is the condition of your oil today? I'm not talking about your cooking oil, or petrol or diesel.  I'm talking about the anointing of God in our lives! Is it almost drying? Totally dried out? 1 litre? 1 mililitre? Come on folks now is the time to experience this latter glory of God! Are you awaken? Are you wanting? It's up to you!

Let this day be the day of the Lord!

*** if you have any prayer request or any comments, or in anyway that I can serve today, please do let me know, I am at the Lord's service.

Please leave a comment. It would be a blessing for me to hear from you.

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